Tuesday, April 12, 2011
40 Years Left
Monday, March 14, 2011
"Turn the Blue States Red!"
While we watch in shock and awe as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, democratic uprisings, and other natural phenomena occur on our small blue planet, we Americans have been distracted from paying attention to the equally frightening events happening in our own states. A new batch of Republican Party puppets have been ruthlessly bulldozing a series of unnatural and anti-democratic legislations and court rulings into law, pulled off at the command of their capitalist masters. With slogans like, ‘Turn the blue states red!’ ‘Destroy the Democratic Party!’ and ‘One party for all!’ we might as well recognize this push toward the ‘New World Order’ for what it really is: the unveiling of the new fascism.
Humans and human rights, democracy and democratic principles, empathy and morality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be damned; We, The People, do not figure into the decisions, policies, plans, feelings, or even thoughts of these greedy zealots except in terms of control, use, abuse, and other plutocratic motives. We, The People, are less than pawns, less than infantry fodder, less than human to these sociopath robber barons: We, The People, are disposable, renewable resources.
When historians look back upon the wave of crimes against humanity legalized and enabled in these acts they may compare the ensuing reign of totalitarianism to those of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung. However, instead of a face or voice to associate with these criminals, history will remember their corporate logos. The faceless masterminds and financiers orchestrating this show are luxuriating securely behind the protection of their corporate ‘bodies,’ their lackey politicians, their armies of lawyers, and their privatized military forces.
For several decades now, we Americans have been sitting back and watching the creation of the new slavery. We are enslaved to our jobs (because of a ‘need’ for income), we are enslaved to our bills (especially our mortgages and credit card debts), we are enslaved to the information we receive through television, schools, and media advertising, we are enslaved to the American Dream. The problem is: the American Dream is—and always has been—a false dream. The American Dream of ‘rags to riches’ success only rarely occurs and when it does it is usually achieved by strong-willed mavericks who think and act ‘outside the box’—who have not cowed to our ‘privatized’ (read: “corporatized”) system of brainwashing. To prove my point: How many of the current richest people in America a) came from the lower class, and b) did not attend private or at least suburban high schools?
So, the question becomes: Are We, The People, willing to sit back and take it? Are we willing to accept “the new normal”? Are we the meek little sheep the ultra-rich capitalists have worked so hard to try to mold and shape? Or are we awake enough and convicted enough to stand up and fight for our natural-born rights and privileges—yeah, even for our very lives? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: on our terms or theirs? Is ‘democracy’ a word that We, The People, get to define, or is it one that we let corporate money define for us? Maybe the truth will finally be realized: Like oil and water, democracy and capitalism are incompatible. Put it on a ballet: “Which is more important to you: the rights of people or the rights of money?”