Saturday, December 15, 2012

An Apocalyptic Short Story



The following is a recollection of events from a time and place from which there are no surviving historical records. Even so, this is a place of which most everyone has heard. It is also a place from which events, themes, triumphs and tragedies are but conjecture—one might even claim, projections of our own imaginations. I speak of Atlantis—that is, the Atlantis of “the lost continent of,” or “the lost civilization of …”
            I am no historian. In recounting the stories of the Atlantean lives which follow, I mean to make no claim to have uncovered some new cache of written records or to have met and gained access to the legends of some tribe that have been hidden from the civilized world since time immemorial. In terms of dates and times, I claim no particular accuracy. The events, however, are as real to me as if I had been there. In fact, I feel quite strongly that I was there--call it a projection of my own imagining, if you must, it makes no difference. I record these events as a first person observer.
            My goal is provocation. In displaying these stories for public readership, I mean to give grist for consideration of the choices others have made when placed in a time not unlike our own, a time in which radically divergent forces are exerting their influence on the course—and perhaps end—of human civilization.
            I am here to recount the stories of the members of one particular “family”—that is, a group of individuals whose lives were, for a brief time, entwined by the marriage of two bloodlines. These were six people who were not so very extraordinary, nor were they truly ordinary. What they were was typical for the time in which they lived. Each faced adversity and oppression. Each made difficult and courageous choices. Most importantly, by being able to discover and then remain true to their core values and truths, each was able to find happiness and to live a fulfilling life.

     *Author’s note: The events described below have been rendered unto my own native language, 21st Century English. I must warn the reader, however, of the fact that the humans inhabiting our planet during the time I describe were language-less. “Atlanteans” communicated telepathically—through the practice of sending or directing sensory ‘impressions’ to the minds of others. Thus, the words I give to you are the result of my rather feeble attempt to render a word-less culture into shapes and forms that they did not use. I liken this feat to that of trying to pour a vaporous gas into a drinking glass.
            Thus, the 21st Century reader will encounter terms and names that were neither used nor would they be familiar to members of Atlantean culture. Though the humans inhabiting the planet we call “Earth” at the time of the events I describe did, anatomically, possess vocal chords and in fact did have use of voices (they were quite creative with sound making and, in fact, had quite a sophisticated and highly developed musical tradition, both vocally and instrumentally), the terms and terminology used herein are my own creative attempts at rendering as accurately as I feel possible Atlantean concepts into modern-day English wordage. My goal is to make Atlantean culture and concepts feel familiar and comprehensible to the modern English-speaking reader.
            Due to the fact that so much of our own more complex and technical terminology have come to us from Latin and Greek roots and, therefore, have what I consider to be tainted etymologies (they come loaded with hidden agendas from those who coined them as well as from those who have adopted and shaped them), I have tried, where possible, to use simpler, more openly interpretable terms in the place of Latin and Greek terms. For example, the reader will not be encountering political terminology like “democracy” or “oligarchy” to try to describe the forms, concepts or systems of decision-making and control that might have existed or been experimented with in Atlantean culture. I will, however, use the familiar terms “Atlantis” and “Atlantean” even though no “Atlantean” ever heard much less considered themselves such. (“Earth,” too, was not a word used by Atlanteans. As a matter of fact, a more accurate translation for the concept held by Atlanteans to encapsulate that of their home sphere was more similar to that of our modern term, “Gaia”—i.e. a term connoting a living, conscious being by whom the collective consciousness of the human species of “Atlantean” times felt quite fortunate to be hosted, nurtured and supported.)


The human population inhabiting planet Earth at the time of the Atlantean civilization was particularly advanced—especially in terms of its mental capacities. Along with their ability to communicate telepathically, all “Atlanteans” possessed as an inherent, unconscious tool the ability to mentally manipulate matter and form.
            Long ago, Atlanteans had learned to use active mind to ‘influence’ the resources that they found useful to them. Initially, members from the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms would be ‘asked’ to perform helpful duties—or be ‘asked’ to be used for food or as art. To be clear: Under the value system of the “Old Ways,” the animal, plant, or mineral targeted for ‘use’ was always asked whether or not they were agreeable to the task asked of them; if the human could sense any element of reluctance or resistance on the part of the ‘resource’ it would be left alone and not ‘used.’ This ‘contract’ of mutual accord came to be called the “Contract of Intent.”
            Once Atlanteans began replacing their agrarian life styles with those of “collective centers—or “cities,” it was not long before their connection and intimacy with all living things was also replaced. At the time of our story, it had only been a few generations since the lure of large monumental art and architecture had attracted naïve, idealistic laborers to work and live in centers of highly concentrated populations. Life in these “New Order” urban centers created some very different dynamics than those associated with “Old Style” agrarian life choices. For the first time in this era of human history there was a separation of one’s duties and responsibilities—things I can do or create as opposed to things which I don’t have time to do and therefore must depend on others to do or provide for me. This, in turn, allowed for concepts like ‘separation,’ ‘isolation,’ ‘lack,’ and ‘worry’ to take a stronghold within the human unconscious. Thus, a psychological rift was created between the inhabitants of Atlantis and other urban centers and those who chose to resist or reject the lure of urban life and New Order culture and those who chose Old Style values and principles. The New Order disconnect from the concept of the underlying interrelation of all things led to a psychological disconnect from many of the values and beliefs which had been implicit and almost sacred to Old Style thinking—not the least of which was the Contract of Intent. Once this simple act of respect and reverence for the equally valid life force in all things had been cast aside, it was only time until human hubris would come back to haunt them.


Leam was born into an ‘upper class’ family celebrated for its recent “High Creators”:  a pair of entrepreneurial brothers that chose to leave their clan’s rural existence in order to bring their talents and ideas to the excitement and energy of the new “collective centers.” Leam’s family’s legacy of “high creation” came from these brothers’ contributions to New Order principles and values.
            In spite of his privileged upbringing, Leam’s father grew into a consciousness that found discomfort and even distaste in New Order ways. Having grown up watching as a class of hard working laborers crowded into confined “urban” spaces so that they could serve a more advantaged yet not necessarily better or deserving ‘upper’ class made Leam’s father uncomfortable. Though he kept these views to himself most of his life, at a key point in Leam’s formative years his father made a decision to move his young family away from the collective center of his honored family. They moved to a particularly beautiful rural area that, while founded on Old Way traditions—and still practicing the Old Ways among the indigent population—had become a “resort” destination for members of the High Creator class to travel to and “vacation.”
            This fairly new concept of “vacation” had arisen due to an increased amount of leisure time found among the High Creator class clans. With the advent of class separation there had arisen among the powerful elite gaps of time in which one’s focus on work was not so demanding. They found themselves able to leave the direction of large long-term creation projects in the hands of loyal, dependable, subservient (well-compensated) underlings—“middle men.” With this ability to step away from the work place, the designer class learned to create destinations that were outside or away form their homes in which to practice their increasingly varied forms of leisure. Thus, leisure clubs, resorts, and even “second homes” began to pop up in the world of the upper classes. Leam’s family’s new home “town,” though rural, was slowly becoming infiltrated—and somewhat absorbed—as an extension or as another realm in which the New Order upper class could exert their power and control.
            Leam’s family lived on the very edge of this ever-assertive realm of New Order thinking and behavior; Leam’s father, mother, and brothers found themselves under constant prodding and pressure to “join the fold” of behaviors and attitudes practiced by resorter families from the High Creator class.
            Something in Leam’s core being felt more comfortable and more drawn to the “Old Style” of life choices. He always felt a bit sickened by the unequal advantages given to, yet not earned by, those born into the privileged classes—including the chance circumstances of his own birth ‘rights.’ As he grew he found that he was keenly aware of the power and joy he derived from the Natural World. After some years spent studying and seeking out the legacies of Atlantean cultural creation—both New and Old--“looking for something,” he became aware of innate Powers Within and eventually found himself in the profession or craft of “Intentional Healer.”

* (Here the term “healer” is an entirely inaccurate word for what it is Leam did. The true means for his services lay in the time-honored, almost sacred, custom of creating an agreement or contract between practitioner and client. The agreement, called the “Contract of Intent,” was a contract for the shared intention of “the highest good of [the client] and the Cosmos.” Once client and practitioner had committed together under the bond of the Contract of Intent, it was then understood that any change(s) that might occur during the “treatment” or treatments that followed were due to the higher will and willingness of the client to receive, adapt, and change. A more accurate term than “healer” for what it was that members of Leam’s profession did might be “facilitator of change.”)

            As an Intentional Healer, Leam learned how to use Higher Mind and Spiritual Flow to help facilitate the possibilities for beneficence, improved ‘health,’ ‘goodness,’ wish-fulfillment, desired change, or ‘healing’ within the contracted or directed subject.
            From this point on, Leam became a life-long enthusiast and student of Form and Formation, Image and Imagination, Possibility and Probability, Active and Passive Evolution, Change and Infinities, Space and “Zazen” (the space between thoughts or the place from which Form and Creation appear), Stability and Decay, Affirmation and Fortitude.
            As Leam’s talents began to show—and word spread of his exceptional abilities—he found that there was a tremendous amount of pressure exerted on him by the collective will of the High Creator class to use his gifts and skills to enhance the ‘progress’ of the “New World Order,” that is, to ignore or disregard the sacred Contract of Intent in order to move and direct energy into forms dictated by an external, third party (the Council of High Creators). Leam felt very uncomfortable with these pressures—as he did with the attitudes and behaviors of New Order ways. He attempted to avoid, deflect, or surreptitiously move contrarily to the wishes (and demands) of the High Council. He even for a time experimented with working directly for members of the High Creator class, until he found it to be more than he could handle—especially emotionally. The hypocrisy of pretending to be one of ‘them’ while at home trying to honor and practice the Old Ways, along with the constant pursuit and harassment by Recruiters for the Office of Human Improvement, was undermining his psycho-spiritual health—and, thus, his abilities as Healer. Eventually, with the courage and support gained through his mid-life union with Toril, he chose to disappear from collective civilization, to go “underground”—i.e. to leave New Order civilization and join the “renegade” “Naturalists” living rurally, living according to the Old Ways, outside of ‘civilized’ population clusters, out of the reach of the powerful, probing minds of the High Creator class.
            In rural society Leam was able to regain his freedom, his sanity, his pride in the purity and sanctity of his work, his dignity. Though the decision of whether to move away had not been an easy one—for in moving he was making the choice of leaving cherished loved ones behind—he was able to console himself in the strength of his conviction that every human needs to ultimately be the chooser of his or her own destiny—and in the strength of his cosmic love with Toril. There he lived, loved, and practiced, living a life in near harmony with the attitudes and behaviors of the Old Ways, until The End of Days.


Toril is the mother figure of this family. She was birth mother to Ni and Lea. Toril had been born into a family that was descended from an ancient “High Creator”—a title Atlanteans gave to historical figures who had made particularly creative contributions to society and/or to the advance/evolution of the collective unconscious. These are people who had helped usher in significant leaps in imagination and/or mental ability. We would consider this blood line similar to our “royal” lines in that it was often found that highly creative persons had significantly higher odds of being members of a particularly creative family—especially offspring—though, it was pretty well understood that this effect usually only held true for a few generations.
            The near descendants of Toril’s honored ancestor, Allt of the Green Dale Metalworker clan, found themselves being plotted against by a few envious neighbors. The result of this scheming and plotting led ultimately to the public disgrace of Allt’s clan. To their credit, the family was able to remain composed and reacted in quite a dignified manner. Void of any emergence of ego, they were able to act with no ill-will, and no grudges; instead, they chose to leave where they were not wanted. With very little fanfare, they choose to “move” from their ancestral commune in Green Dale—a practice which was rare in the Old Days and among the regions far from the effects and influences of the New Order collective communities. Toril’s ancestors were able to find a warm welcome in a quite distant region of what we would now call “Europe.”
            Generations later the clan had now gotten quite comfortable in their more “peasant” or common class standing (which was a much more typical standing among Atlantean society, and one that the clan had contentedly occupied for many generations before the emergence of innovative Allt.) The “High Creator” legacy was now more the stuff of family lore than that of real history. In fact, what was more a target for local admiration and respect was the arduous accomplishment of moving—of having had to leave a long-established home and then having to find and successfully reestablish meaningful life and respect in a new community—for in the years before the advent and attraction of “collective creation” small, basically-rural lives were quite the norm, travel and movement much more the exception.

            Toril was born into her life in the Gruendel clan with an exceptionally creative mind. Recognizing the human body as a conduit and vehicle for spiritual work was very much a living awareness that she possessed—even before birth. Toril found herself in the possession of not only a very complete toolbox of meta- and supra-physical knowledge but also an extremely strong awareness of the moral implications and ramifications of all uses of this knowledge. But what made Toril stand out from the very beginning was her unusual, even remarkable, fearlessness. She had great trouble comprehending that there might be limits to what she could do in and with this human body of hers and, so, was constantly testing those limits. At the same time she found great joy in using her body in every way imaginable. “Who knows: This might be the last time I get to have a body,” she would say. “I don’t want to miss anything or waste any time not enjoying its use.”
            Also, Toril was quite a bit more aware of and expressive from her emotional being than the typical Atlantean of this time. Understanding that the powers she commanded were latent and at some level available to all humans, Toril whistfully questioned why so many people around her not only failed to use or develop their powers but how they seemed so completely ignorant or unaware of the availability of these abilities lying dormant within themselves.
            Raised in a time in which fear, complaisance, and numb obedience had infiltrated the collective consciousness, Toril found herself confused as to why she had been born with this awareness—and as to how she was supposed to use her gifts. Whenever she accidentally leaked out some aspect of her giftedness there inevitably followed by some Recruiter from the Office of Human Improvement. In order to try to avoid and remain free of detection—free from influence of “users” from the New Order controlling classes—Toril found it necessary to move around quite a bit.
            For a long time she excelled at holding her abilities under tight reigns, retaining a low profile until such time when some miracle might shed light onto her purpose or destiny. However, high creativity cannot be fully contained and Toril found that wherever she went she seemed to leave a trail of amazed, astounded—and inspired—humans. People who came into contact with her were invariably changed. The natural effect she had of ‘shaking” or ‘waking’ people up—of causing people to unwittingly, uncomfortably, and surprisingly gain glimpses into the truths of human—of their own—potentialities, was ubiquitous.

            Many jobs, many meaningful contributions to local communities, and two daughters and two partners later, Toril’s life was forever changed by her ‘chance’ encounter with Leam. The meeting of eyes and ensuing shock wave of deep recognition caused such a violent stir through her being that she had to run off to vomit! Despite this odd physical reaction, she knew—immediately and completely: “This is the one; this is what I came here for.” But Leam remained unaware. So focused was he on the immediate care and training of his own two daughters that he neither shared nor had a clue as to Toril’s experience. It was not until months later that his own eyes—his own soul—was opened enough to begin to see and experience the wondrous truth of their unearthly bond.


Ni was a voracious, insatiable “collector” of culture. From early childhood she was always be found to be in pursuit of the performers, artists, artwork, and musics of her cultural heritage—both as an audience member and as an artist in her own right—in training to become a member of the High Artists. Blessed with a memory with a seemingly infinite capacity and innate accuracy—what we call today “photographic” with “instant” and “total” recall—Ni spent her life seeking out and mentally ‘collecting’ the finest expressions of High Art. Eventually she came into an awareness of the reason she treasured these expressions of human creativity so dearly:  High Art was able to serve for all humans as examples of and inspirations to active and actualized human self-awareness, self-discovery and self-realization.
            Though lured and pressured to choose the world of academia in which to direct her energies, Ni logged enough “public performance” experience to learn that the true effect stimulating the fullest realization of human potential came from live performance, not from printed or archival records. Thus, she chose to abandon the claustrophobic, restrictive world of academia and instead join a traveling musical theater group.
            Despite the initial physical hardships, in which she was not experienced, she endured, persevered and thrived. The “high” of performance, the joy of creative collaboration (and physical and emotional intimacy) with like-minded souls, as well as the reward of audience response—both immediate and delayed—enabled Ni to find great satisfaction from a life on the road—and enabled her to earn high regard as quite a significant contributor to the efforts to carry forward time-honored traditions as well as to the preservation of “classic” works of Atlantean live entertainment art.


As a child Na was sensitive, intelligent, and observant. She was also plagued with the discomfort she felt from the attention she received due to her physical appearance, her “beauty.” This discomfort caused Na to withdraw and to choose very solitary and private pastimes. Naturally, much of this introversion led to an affinity for and development of her considerable and varied creative and artistic talents. At the same time, Na’s reserved passivity seemed to allow—even to attract—the attentions of needy, unbalanced, often controlling persons into her life—people who would hang on to her and dominate or even dictate her use of time. Unconsciously, this led her to retreat even more, and to harbor an ever-increasing resentment towards others. Over some time, Na gave so much of her self and her power to others that she unwittingly lost sight of her self and her own needs, likes, desires, talents, and dreams. Eventually, the weariness and bottled up resentment of being “used” by others that had grown and festered inside her turned into self-loathing and even into some self-destructive behaviors.
            The course of Na’s life was affected quite considerably by the effects of going through a certain rite of passage that was customary to Atlanteans at this time. Reawakened into conscious self-awareness, she was able to recollect her center, to become reacquainted with her personal truth, her self, and to then make choices for strengthening her self, her boundaries, and her commitments to self-realization. Out of this Na was able to emerge from her down spell as an insightful, masterful aid to others—especially to those who happened to get stuck traveling paths of pain and suffering similar to her own.
            Like her father, Na chose to train and enter into a “healing” profession—only the field she found herself attracted to work within focused more specifically with the mental and emotional aspects of the human experience. Her professional beginnings were in a field whose existence had only come into existence with the rise of New Order culture—what we would call “psychology.”
            She prospered. However, it did not take long before Na found herself frustrated: her experiences, both personal and professional, enabled her to recognize the feeble and very limited understanding of the motivational forces behind human behavior that her training and the scope of her profession both espoused. Disenchanted, she became a “seeker”—going through a period of mental and physical nomadism, thirsty for any and all new information and experiences that might lead to a more comprehensive and universally applicable means to or form of “deeper” or “fuller” “spiritual” healing.
             Eventually, she was able to find comfort and solace in a personally created (and constantly evolving) synthesis of physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual approaches. Still later, she joined a variant off-shoot of the psychology field—a more “holistic” and comprehensive form of counseling—one which, she found, effected much deeper and life-affirming changes within the suffering clients with whom she worked—and for which her successes brought her great personal satisfaction and joy, as well as wide recognition and respect.


Lina was born with a gift for lightness, for light and life, for mirroring the potential for joy, light and vivacity within everyone. “Joy expressing” is how her father always described her.
            Growing up with an enviable natural talent for virtually every creative or artistic venture she ever tried, Lina found herself for a long time very intensely focused on a form of artistic expression which used the body as its medium:  dance. It is from dance that she learned the discipline and perseverance—the “I can do anything so long as I am willing to work at it” attitude—that served her so many times throughout her life. It is also during her years dedicated to dance that she came into the awareness of the “dark” side of human nature. New Order pressure attempted to steer her into using her talents—and body—for the nightclub entertainment industry—to become a dancer “seductress.” Lina was not so easily won over, however, as her core ‘truths’ held strongly to the belief that dance was but one medium for the expression of the perfection and use of the human physical form. Faced with the unrelenting and repulsive pressures of New Order entertainment industry and then a severe injury, she was quite relieved to have an excuse to turn to other artistic pursuits—and athletics—during the remainder of her formative years.
            Once on her own, Lina found herself traveling, trying to gather experiences from people and places all over the planet. She also dabbled in many craft- and service-related professions—and motherhood—before discovering that a long-forgotten childhood passion of hers is where her true calling always lay:  “medicine”—or the “healing arts.”
            Finding latent yet innate gifts for using crystals, plants, and animals as mediums for health and “healing,” Lina finally settled into a profession whose art was, at this point in history, almost lost. Many, many humans—as well as other life forms—were very lucky to have benefited from the awareness-opening and self-empowering effects of her empathic presence, her spiritual wisdom, and her “healing” ministrations.


Lea was another sensitive and extremely intelligent Atlantean who was given the added challenges that came with having chosen as her “seed father” a very domineering, controlling, active participant in the New World Order. Lea’s childhood was occupied with the almost constant dialogue between the truths and values evident to her from her internal intuitive “knowing” and the constant barrage of New Order information trying to brainwash her from the outside. Lea was also challenged throughout her childhood by having been blessed with an extraordinary facility for artistic expression through a variety of mediums—and by the idea that she had to choose only one from these mediums to pursue.
            Lea understood from a very young age that it was from the Natural and imaginative worlds that she drew her strength, comfort, and inspiration. She was also quite gifted at many of the medicinal and artistic uses of plants, animals, and minerals. She found that she had the ability to “communicate” with the spirits, devas, and sprites that ensoul Nature’s creatures. Evenso, for a time Lea was forced to ignore the desires of her heart. This was a particularly stressful, confusing, and depressing segment of her life but, at the same time, this adversity served in the long run to shape her well-hidden dreams and to make her self-definition that much stronger. Plus, she was able to benefit from regular doses of “True-Lea” nourishment through her mother’s nurturing input.
            Once emancipated from paternal control, Lea quite calmly and happily made the choice to leave New World culture to live instead in rural areas according to “Old Style” values. For a time she wandered: observing, learning, experimenting with her “powers.” At differing times she joined each and every one of her family members: her mother, Toril, and Leam on their farm; her sister, Ni, with her traveling troubadours; and even Leam’s two birth daughters. At one point she found what it was she wanted to do—how she would give back to the planet and her race—both of which she knew were ailing.
            Emerging from her self-imposed nomadic life, Lea could see that she had traveled in the mindsteps of all of the major archetypes: the Innocent, the Orphan, the Apprentice, the Wanderer or Seeker, the Destroyer, the Lover, the Creator, the Caregiver, the Martyr, the Warrior, the Ruler, the Magician, the Sage, and the Fool—and that she had embodied aspects of and retained access to all of them. Finally ready to take on life from the confidence of a fully rounded, fully capable human being, she joined a popular movement that was trying to restore Old Ways values and culture. Within several of these ‘subversive’ groups, she helped mastermind some surprisingly successful campaigns to undermine the out-of-control dominance and momentum of the planet- and human spirit-destructive forces promoted by the New World Order. Right up until The Last Day, Lea served a prominent leadership role within the burgeoning “counter culture.”

The End of Days

We all saw it coming. Opponents of the New Order had been predicting it for decades. Nonetheless, I can tell you with a feeling of great confidence that no human on the planet was prepared for it. Not really. Not “The End.” The real end. The end of life. The end of a civilization.
            Humans had brought upon themselves their own demise through an arrogant disrespect and disregard of the conditions and terms of living within the bounds of life on Gaia. In this era it wasn’t Gaia’s health that was failing as it is in “21st Century Earth” time. No, the planet we call Earth was but a passive observer of the events described below. She could afford to be:  Her immune system was not being compromised by human abuse of her body. This culture destroyed itself because of emotional inexperience and moral ignorance. The lesson here is:  Emotional immaturity trumps mental maturity every time. An extremely creative segment of a highly developed mental species had gotten greedy, had let experimentation and achievement in “collective creativity” get beyond their ability to predict outcomes.
            When the Last Day arrived and the chain reaction of subatomic energy release wiped clean the surface of the planet, no human had any clue, really, of the possibility of such an event. No single imagination much less the collective goal of the Crystal Mentalists working on the Change of Nature Project ever predicted nor expected the outcome of their life force tampering activities. Still, it happened.
            The subcontinent of Atlantis—geological plate and everything that lived on it—was vaporized in an instant—obliterated so that no trace remained save for a deep ocean where there had been only a sea to separate the continents of the northern hemisphere. Life on the remainder of the planet’s surface was decimated. The immense vacuum that was created by the sudden disappearance of Atlantis so disrupted the former weather patterns the planet had known that it was years before things calmed down. But the real Destroyer was the amazing wall of wind that swept over the planet immediately after the initial cataclysm. Mother Nature’s efforts to fill the void left by the sudden disappearance of a whole continent unleashed extreme weather conditions—ungodly winds, cyclones, hurricanes, and tornadoes that scoured the planet’s surface for months.

Final Moments

On that last day of what we call Atlantean Era civilization, in the last moments of life, Ni was resting—sitting around an afternoon campfire—having just finished eating the vegetable stew that two of her troupe members had prepared for the ensemble’s midday meal. Staring into the flames, she was oblivious of the goings-on around her. Instead, she was thinking about a particular posture-and-movement that she had performed countless times in the course of performing the classic and ever-popular skit of music theater that the troupe would be performing this afternoon. It was while she was ruminating over which of the infinite number of nuances of meaning that could be attributed to this maneuver she most wanted her audience to pick up that the sky went black.
            Shifting her attention from inward focus to outward, Ni found herself quickly cognizant of the fact that there was something terribly wrong with the weather.
            Jumping to her feet, she began walking—and then, running—toward the house-on-wheels closest to her, never taking her eyes from the darkened skies above and in front of her.
            With her first glimpse of the immense wind-wall of debris careening toward her, Ni froze. She just stood there, jaw hanging open. Slowly, her eyes widened. Her mind was numb with terror. A series of piercing screams began emanating from her—repeating over and over for the few seconds it took until The Wall reached and obliterated her and everything around her.

            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

On that last day of what we call Atlantean Era civilization, in the last moments of life,
Na had just finished working with a client and was on her way back to her bungalow cottage on the outskirts of her village. It was lunch time and Na was thinking of the tasty bread and cheese that she had received in payment for her services yesterday. The farm couple from the next valley who gave them to her were quite well known for their exceptionally tasty dairy products but Na had particularly enjoyed the bread, having eaten a few slices both last night and this morning. Thus, there was a little more bounce in her step than usual as she tread her way home—this despite the fact that she knew that her current companion, a very talented itinerant glass-blower that she had be living with for over a year, was out of town on a job.
            She felt it before she heard it:  a rumbling in the ground beneath her followed closely by a thunderous roar coming from behind her. As she looked around to see what it was that could be making such an extraordinary noise, she was surprised most by the sense of amazement and awe she felt as she watched the wave of collapsing woods approach. In the split second she had before the wall of wind destroyed her body, Na found herself thinking of pine forests—of how much her father liked the peacefulness of walking within pine forests.

            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

On that last day of what we call Atlantean Era civilization, in the last moments of life, Lina and her daughters were in an open field of wildflowers. The intent of this particular field trip was educational—to learn about the medicinal properties of these late-summer plants—but the combination of fresh air, sunshine and beauty surrounding them quickly caused the lesson to turn instead into the usual pursuits of bouquet gathering, hair wreath-making, games of tag and/or hide-and-seek and the inevitable dancing. Lina and her girls always seemed to be dancing.
            Even before the skies darkened, Lina could feel an ominous lurch in the pit of her stomach. Looking all around her but seeing no signs of the disaster she felt sure was coming, she started to parade the girls back toward their home. When The Wall first became visible in the darkening eastern skies, Lina had the girls step up their pace.
            <<Just a little more ways,>> she found herself thinking as their sturdy little cottage came into view. But then she noticed that their animals were missing—that they were nowhere to be seen. That is when she stopped to take a more careful look at the approaching storm. The girls continued dancing around their mother.
            <<This is no ordinary storm,>> Lina thought to herself.
            Then she tried to get her girls' attention. With no little emotion she communicated telepathically that she was afraid.
           <<Let's sit down,>> she conveyed as she sat on the ground, tears now streaming down her face. The girls followed, both looking quite alarmed.
           <<Snuggle close with me,>> Lina transmitted as she gathered her precious cargo into her lap. Tucking their flower-wreathed heads under her chin and holding them as tightly as possible, she began rocking her body forward and back, forward and back, singing, <<I'm so sorry. So sorry.>>
            As the wall that she knew would bring their death approached, she closed her eyes, pulled the girls still closer and communicated to them, as calmly and strongly as she possibly could, <<I love you, I love you,>> <<I'm so happy to have had this time with you,>> and <<We'll be together again soon.>>

            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

On that last day of what we call Atlantean Era civilization, in the last moments of life,
Lea was in her office in the capital city of Atlantis, surrounded by fellow members of NatureFirst, one of the organized action groups that she favored and served. The group was meeting to discuss their opinions as to the effectiveness of their recent campaign of using MindPlant technology to broadcast a blanket sensory holoform—a two-second projection into the conscious minds of all Atlanteans within the subcontinent’s water borders depicting a montage of events that the NatureFirst organization had deemed illustrative of the de-humanizing effects of New World Order paradigms.
            <<I think the campaign was a great success,>> one of Lea’s most trusted but less insightful members was sharing with the group.
            <<I still feel horribly that we finally chose to think and act on their terms—at their level—>> interjected another more level-headed member.
            <<You mean: Because we're using MindPlant?>> Lea clarifies.
            <<Yes,>> responds the level-headed member.
            <<I'm not opposed to using new technologies--like MindPlant,>> projects another member, <<But I would like to see us return to playing up the values and beauties of Old Way culture,>>
            Lea could feel three voices jump into her mind expressing their agreement.
            <<Why? What is the point?>> amplifies a more militant member of the group.
<<The only thing that gets people's attention is disaster, fear, and trauma!>>
            Disgusted, tired of the bickering, tired of fighting what she knows is such an uphill battle, and longing to be out of this place, away from the collective center capital of Atlantis, back among her trees and rock outcroppings, Lea is just about to stand to leave when, with a sharp, “CRACK!” her world vaporizes.

            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

On that last day of what we call Atlantean Era civilization, in the last moments of life, Leam and Toril were happily working in their farm fields. At the instant of subatomic disturbance and immediate energy release Toril felt it. At a very real level, she knew what had just occurred.
            While not fully prepared for the atmospheric response headed her way from the epicenter of consequence in Atlantis, she knew to begin looking for Leam—who was working inside one of their growing structures.
            As the first wall of westbound pressure approached them, Leam, too, could feel something amiss—as if something deep inside him was trying to suck him . . . in. He had just gotten to his feet when Toril came bursting into the building. Leam could see how excited she was—how the Light of her soul was bursting through her eyes. She was so alive!
            “Come with me,” she said out loud, slightly out of breath.
            Grasping her hand, he followed as Toril began leading them up the hillside next to their house. Reaching the peak on the spine of their ridgetop they turned to the east just in time to see it:  an enormous wall of dust and debris heading straight for them.
            <<Isn't that amazing?>> she projects--permeating and soothing his mind.
            Leam responds by putting his arms around his companion, his one true love, while projecting back to her, <<Yes, My Love. It is amazing.>>
            Seconds later, as The Wall hit them and picked them up—while first dust and shards of debris began ripping the clothes off of their bodies and then the skin from their bones—a sound could be heard coming from within the wave. It was a voice—a human voice—reverberating deep into the Cosmos:

            “WEEEEEEEEEEEEE ----!”

            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

Sitting high on an embankment in what appears to be a riverfront park on planet Earth are two human figures. Upon more careful observation one notices a kind of shimmer or instability to this view:  There is an ubiquitous presence of stars and galaxy clusters and nebulae and other celestial phenomena shining through the Earth park picture making the people and the park look transparent, ethereal. With a blink of the eye, there is a flicker in perception and everything shifts; for a fraction of an instant all of the humanoid forms sporadically dispersed around the park appear as if they are really orbs of colorful light! But then it’s back again—back to ‘normal.’ It’s as if you’d just seen a glitch in the Matrix! These Earth-familiar forms and scenery are all but an illusion—fabrications of imaginations that are limited to what we know and understand. Still we can recognize them as the forms that Leam and Lina had used in their most previous Atlantean Earth School experience.

            <<Hello, (Lina)>>
            <<Hi, (Dad)>>  <<Is it okay if I still call you (Dad)?>>
            <<For now>>   <<It takes a little while to get used to being back here>>
            There is a pause as the two forms seem to be taking in their surroundings.
            <<Where's (Na)?>> Lina's shimmering form asks. 
            <<She's with her soul family>>   <<You can join her anytime you'd like>>
            <<I know.>>  <<I just did>>
            <<Of course>>
            <<She says "hi">>
            <<I heard>>
            <<Where's (Toril)?>>
            <<Over there>>    <<With part of her soul family>>
            <<Oh, yeah>>  <>> . . . . <<I always forget how beautiful it is here>>
            <<Isn't it?>>
            <<Can we stay a while?>>
            <<You can stay for as long as you'd like>>
            There is a timeless pause as both souls soak in their surroundings.
            <<Dad, this is real, isn't it?>>
            <<The other place--(Gaia), (Atlantis), whatever it’s called. Was that real?>>
            <<I guess so>>    <<While we were there it was supposed to feel real>>
            <<So, which is more real?>>
            <<Let's just say that when you think you've left here, a part of You is always still connected here--still watching and working here>>
            <<I thought so>> . . . . <<So, that place--(Gaia)--was just a . . . ?>>
            <<A classroom>>
            <<M-hmm>> . . . . <<I think I'm going to go visit with my girls now>>
            <<Of course>>   <<Don't forget your mother and sister. They're all here>>
            <<Yeah>> . . . . <<I'll see you around, (Dad)>>
            <<You can be sure of it:  We've still got a lot of work to do>>
            <<I know>>
            <<But there is no hurry:  Everything will happen as it is meant to>>
            There is a pause. Lina is still hesitant to leave.
            <<So, (Dad):  Where's (God)?>>  
            <<Same answer I gave you on (Gaia)>>
            Lina looks around.
            <<Take a step back and look again>>
            Instantaneously Lina shifts perspective to a point some millions of miles away. There she sees what appears to be a galaxy of billions and billions of stars—a beautiful colorful cloud of stars.
            <<That's (God)?>>
            <<Partly>>   <<Now step within>>
            Lina shifts perspective again, stepping what seems to be millions of miles within her own orb of light. There she sees the same thing:  a cloud of billions and billions of stars. <<So . . . me? Everything is (God)?>>
            <<Isn't that what I've been trying to tell you?>>
            <<I am part of (God). Everything is part of (God). (God) is everything>>
            <<And more>>
            <<Okay>>   <<Thanks>>   <<I'll see you later>>
            <<Of course you will>>
            Lina hesitates again. <<One more thing>>       <<Are we going back to that place--that planet?>>
            <<That's entirely up to you>> . . . . <<I think I'll be going back again>>   <<You'll have to decide for yourself if and when you want to go back>> . . . . <<You are always welcome to be a part of my learning journey just as I'll always be glad to participate in whatever way I can in order to help you with your learning goals>>   <<But, again: There are also a lot of different ways to learn and grow>>
            <<Okay>>   <<Thanks, Dad>>   <<I'll get back to you later>>
            <<Of course you will>>


After many years of roiling in the post-cataclysmic weather systems, the planet’s atmosphere was able to calm down and stabilize. It was only then that the few surviving species were able to begin emerging from their subterranean homes and begin the slow reclamation of the planet’s surface. In that interim time, the handful of human survivors—mostly peoples that had already inhabited some of the planet’s most inhospitable regions—were so traumatized, so psychologically exhausted, that all memory and advances of culture or “civilization” had also been wiped clean.
            Many human survivors simply died without ever finding others of their kind. A few very lucky ones stumbled upon others and quickly, fiercely, stuck together, forming very small groups or “tribes.” These 200 or so humans, dispersed over four of the planet’s seven continents, survived for generations on the very edge of failure, of extinction. Once the vegetable kingdom had made its comeback, and with it, the animal populations, humans were able to find more hospitable areas of the planet on which to try to settle. There they began to make their new attempts at harnessing the life supporting powers of the plant, animal, and mineral worlds for their own bourgeoning health and safety. And now, some 24,000 years later, here we are!
            It does seem sad that our new civilization has positioned itself in so precarious a situation as to appear ready to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors. Has our species learned anything? Have we “evolved”? Will we be able to prove that we have learned anything from the last time? Or are we stuck on a wheel, doomed to repeat the old mistakes over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum?

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